

all right partner keep on rollin'.. have you realized the fact that sometimes your hands are too big for delicate ultrafine tasks.. i did.. godlike creatures called surgeons didn't.. or i think they did not really..

chipmunks have skilled little hands.. obviously you can't train chipmunk surgeons.. but as a thinker you can build a precise machinery which can do this job better.. in [on?] a more skilful artistic automatized way..

look at the previous basic animation.. you see two units.. the one with a stereo mini webb mirror system is the extreme hi-def microscopic camera and lighting module.. the other one is the robotarm equipped with an ultrafine manipulator.. or a laser cutter.. an enzyme gluer.. a sewing machine etc. ..the robothand is interchangeable.. for best results you are recommended to use 4 robotarms.. each arm is moved by precise nanostepper servos.. the titanium spaceframe is covered by an au-ag-cu alloy antimicrobial surface.. 

a skilled and experienced surgeon can control the surgery via an ar headset and multigimbal virtual 3D controllers.. a more advanced control method is sensiglove.. dotted pattern pair of ar gloves with multilevel ultrafine haptic feedback -especially on the fingertips- moved in a v-glovebox which is a sensing space built up by a ir-laser matrix and cameras to process every fine movements of the surgeon's hands.. automatizing routine surgical steps using the self-learning capabilities of the connected computer hardware is another advance.. it reduces operation time during time critical surgeries eg. open heart surgery where every minute counts.. 

imagine a tissue printing unit attached to the robotarm which uses the patient's own cells to build its own tissues.. no more immune intolerance.. 

scifi? it depends on you.. the choice is yours.. yes.. developing and building a system like this will be very expensive.. will cost stellar amounts of usd i think.. building a 24MT hydrogen bomb and a carrying missile is more economical for sure.. and it has a bigger human impact..

this is a for all mankind project.. which means my intention is not making zillions or zillionaires.. as a simple and naive moron i would like to live in a better civilization.. among better people.. 

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