

A famous speech.. sweating viceprez LyndonB. on the right.. a mobsterface with a cuban cigar in his mouth behind JFK.. women.. black people -  a bunch of documentaries from the fifties/sixties used the word negro to describe africanamerican ethnicity - some secret servicemen.. hi-ranked military personnel..

A whole lotta things has changed as time stepped forward.. and the world turned.... a whole bunch of things remained unchanged..

i see TheGreatAmericanVision in its best form.. The spirit that propelled the golden age.. Decades later you know what sucked, what should have been made/done better, cause decades later you are wiser and you learn from the previous generations mistakes.. Or not.. If i were a timetraveller i would chase all gorgeous women and i would not leave a single one to the Kennedys, Sinatra and Co. :⫐:⫐ 

The good old days has gone.. at that time men were men.. and those men had the right stuff.. those men had balls to sit on the top of some fucking nazi rockets which airlifted them to the unknown.. they had the courage and greatness to beat the soviet bastards.. 


..you won't read any patriotic oldfashioned shit like this here.. :⫐

..i think it's time to reignite.. time to leave the bullshit behind and do something great.. i mean really great.. a lot of great advanced futuristic things.. a lot of jawdropping machinery.. neverbeforeseen inventions.. forward looking nondestructive technology for the benefit of all mankind.. social advances  and advanced societies.. sci-fi kind of shit you read only in books from semi insane authors.. 

..sometimes i feel like a motherless child.. öööööö.. sometimes if feel what i put down here is sheer madness.. total virtual insanity.. an unreachable alternate reality.. :⊐

..but.. you can choose.. you can think.. you can move.. you can use your hands to work with and make something better.. the chance is yours.. 

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